Graduation Requirements
Students have an opportunity each year to select their next year's course of study. In planning a course of study, students should evaluate their future plans and objectives. Students must complete the following minimum requirements for graduation:
Social Studies - 3 years
- World Studies
- US History I or AP US History I
- US History II or AP US History II
- Many colleges want students to take a fourth year of Social Studies. Students may choose from our elective options (see Course Search).
Math - 3 years
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Algebra 2
- We strongly recommend a senior year math as well. Placement is based on performance in earlier math classes.
Science - 2 years lab science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Most colleges want at least a third year of science, which can be chosen from our elective options. Some options are: Environmental Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Physics
World Language - 2 years of the same language
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- Mandarin Chinese
English - 4 years
Religion - 4 years
Phys. Ed - 2 years
There are 124 credits required for graduation. General academic courses are worth 5 credits, and lab sciences are worth 6 credits.
The required courses listed above do not add up to 124 credits. After the required classes are fulfilled, the student has the opportunity to take elective courses in order to acquire the needed credits. Most students start with one elective in freshman year and add electives in later years as they complete required courses. Electives are available in academic areas as well as in fine arts and technology.
In UC’s schedule, students must always be registered for 7 classes. In freshman year all students take a 2.5 credit writing course and in sophomore year students take a 2.5 credit math essentials course.